real talk: stay well! stay home!
I think it can be easy to get lost in the gloom and doom of the headlines [and not for naught; this is a serious situation and we should be treating it as such]. But I also think, per my glass half full philosophy, that we can also take the time that has been given back to so many of us and use it as an opportunity. I must acknowledge that I recognize that everyone's situation is different [not everyone can easily work from home, some industries are being hit harder than others, same goes for demos of people,etc.] So I am speaking from my personal experience.

merry & bright
It may seem overwhelming or even chaotic from the outside, but I couldn’t love this tradition anymore. It’s nothing exotic or fancy, but it’s exactly what I want. Just time to be around my tribe. What are your holiday traditions? Whatever you may be doing to celebrate [or not], I hope you feel how I feel this Christmas Day- merry & bright!
Real Talk: Goodbye, San Francisco
My relationship with SF has had its highs and its lows from the very beginning; I’ve talked about that a lot here, and after 2 ½ years I’m ready to say goodbye. So I decided to write a letter to put into words the journey I’ve had over the last 2+ years. What follows is pretty personal and honest. These are my opinions as a result of my own personal experiences and in no way do I mean to discourage others or come off as negative. I’m just keeping it real.